Google Changes For 2010 - LocalGiant
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Google Changes For 2010

21 Mar Google Changes For 2010

Google’s corporate goal is to constantly tweak and improve its search engine algorithms in order to continue its relevance and domination of the search engine marketplace. In keeping with that goal, they made several changes throughout 2010, both large scale and small.

A few of the more all encompassing changes were Google Instant and showing search engine results in real time. Results now change as search text is added, removed, or moved around. More emphasis is being placed on dates and timezones in order to provide more focused results for organic searches. Let’s not forget about Google Chrome, rated as the fastest browser available and destined to become even faster in 2011.

Some of the more interesting changes are the slight alterations to the user interface. These small alterations are designed to speed up and hone an individual search while offering a clean search engine with a plethora of possibilities. These changes include search tools that have been moved to the left side of the screen, an additional panel highlighting the most relevant search results, and predictive search queries automatically that bring up the most pertinent results(Google Instant). Additionally, a significant evolution to local search algorithm has been made. In the past, Google displayed top local search results that had optimized Google Places pages and a lot of web citations. Now, a lot of weight has been added for the website as a whole.

Google changes its algorithms often. In a very fluid market, it is impossible for the average website or small business owner to keep abreast of all of these changes. An SEO firm like LocalGiant could be your only viable option, if you want your company to shine in the local Google search engine results.

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